Step 1. Sign up
Registering is quick, easy and secure.
Fill in your details and answer some quick questions about your employment. Once done, our cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology will do all the work in the background to calculate how much of your wage you can access through MyPayNow.
Step 2. Request and receive
Your money, when you need it most. Whenever, wherever, 24/7.
Access the money you’ve already earnt. With no limits on the number of requests you can make each pay cycle, you can grab what you need, when you need it (from as little as $50 all the way up to a quarter of your wage). The best bit? Your money will hit your account within 60 seconds. It’s your money after all!
Step 3. Repay and repeat
No fuss repayments so you can always access your money when you need it.
The money you accessed is automatically deducted from your next pay via direct debit. Your MyPayNow balance resets, and you can grab another advance when you need it. Remember: there are no late fees ever! Once processed, you’ll be good to go again.
Step 1. Sign up
Registering is quick, easy and secure.
Fill in your details and answer some quick questions about your employment. Once done, our cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology will do all the work in the background to calculate how much of your wage you can access through MyPayNow.
Step 2. Request and receive
Your money, when you need it most. Whenever, wherever, 24/7.
Access the money you’ve already earnt. With no limits on the number of requests you can make each pay cycle, you can grab what you need, when you need it (from as little as $50 all the way up to a quarter of your wage). The best bit? Your money will hit your account within 60 seconds. It’s your money after all!
Step 3. Repay and repeat
No fuss repayments so you can always access your money when you need it.
The money you accessed is automatically deducted from your next pay via direct debit. Your MyPayNow balance resets, and you can grab another advance when you need it. Remember: there are no late fees ever! Once processed, you’ll be good to go again.
No credit checks
No credit checks, no employer contact. It’s your money, we just help you access it sooner.
Simple signup
Our no fuss digital signup keeps things quick and simple.
The MyPayNow system uses the same level of encryption and security as your bank.
NPP Technology
Your money. Your account. 60 seconds, 24/7. Job done.
Multiple transactions
No limits on the number of transactions you make. Grab what you need, when you need it.
Automatic repayments
Direct debit repayments mean you can focus on living your best life.
No credit checks
No credit checks, no employer contact. It’s your money, we just help you access it sooner.
Simple signup
Our no fuss digital signup keeps things quick and simple.
The MyPayNow system uses the same level of encryption and security as your bank.
NPP Technology
Your money. Your account. 60 seconds, 24/7. Job done.
Multiple transactions
No limits on the number of transactions you make. Grab what you need, when you need it.
Automatic repayments
Direct debit repayments mean you can focus on living your best life.
Live your best life with MyPayNow
Life doesn’t wait ‘til pay day, so why should you? Access your money in an instant for those fun - and not so fun - surprises. Here are some of the ways MyPayNow has come in handy.
Cause Aussies love their smashed avo
Never. Ending. Baby. Supplies
Birthday brunch turned into a 1am kebab
Got a ticket running late to work
We went shopping for plants and came home with a TV (and plants)
Your friend ordered lobster and “forgot their wallet”
Cause Aussies love their smashed avo
Never. Ending. Baby. Supplies
Birthday brunch turned into a 1am kebab
Got a ticket running late to work
We went shopping for plants and came home with a TV (and plants)
Your friend ordered lobster and “forgot their wallet”
Cause Aussies love their smashed avo
Never. Ending. Baby. Supplies
Birthday brunch turned into a 1am kebab
Got a ticket running late to work
We went shopping for plants and came home with a TV (and plants)
Your friend ordered lobster and “forgot their wallet”
Cause Aussies love their smashed avo
Never. Ending. Baby. Supplies
Birthday brunch turned into a 1am kebab
Got a ticket running late to work
We went shopping for plants and came home with a TV (and plants)
Your friend ordered lobster and “forgot their wallet”
Frequently asked questions
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