Take the hassle out of employee advances with MyPayNow Business.
What’s in it for my business?
As an employer, organising an advance in-house can be complicated, not to mention a real hassle. That’s where MyPayNow can help your business. We arrange wage advances for your employees with zero impact on your payroll processing.
Want to know the best part? MyPayNow has no cost to your business. There’s no software to install, no integration to complete, and no ongoing subscription fees. Wage advances become a third-party transaction between us and your employee - taking the hassle out of advances, at no cost to you.
What’s in it for my employees?
MyPayNow reduces financial stress by giving your employees access to their wages in real-time, when they need it most. Real-time wages means your employees don’t need to dip into their savings or resort to credit alternatives when life happens - helping them to avoid dangerous debt spirals and become more financially stable.
A less stressed workforce means greater productivity for your business.
Okay, how does it work?
Sign up is quick, easy and secure. Using cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology, MyPayNow evaluates how much of an upcoming wage your employee can access. Once approved we instantly transfer the money your employee needs directly to their bank account. The best part is that there is no need for your employee to contact you as we deal with them directly. All they need to get started is to download our app!
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Simple signup
Our no fuss digital signup keeps things quick and simple.
No credit checks
No credit checks, no hassle for the employer. Advances have never been so simple.
Instant payments
No mess, no fuss. Advances paid within 60 seconds, 24/7.
Multiple transactions
No transaction limits. Employees can access what they need, when they need it.
Auto repayments
Direct debit repayments so your employees can focus on the job.
MyPayNow has helped my staff be less stressed about money and more focused on getting the job done.
MyPayNow has helped my staff be less stressed about money and more focused on getting the job done.
Ian Wright — First Choice Training