The new way to get your pay, today.

Sign up in just 2 minutes

We’re changing the way people get paid.
Your money, when you need it.

Access the money you’ve already earnt instantly.

When life happens, why wait ‘til pay day? Access up to a quarter of your wage each pay cycle with MyPayNow. With real-time deposits, you can get the cash you need to get back on track in just 60 seconds! Whatever your situation, we’ve got you covered.

How it works

1. Create account

Setup your account and tell us a bit about your employment and salary so we can tell you how much of your wage you can access today.

2. Get your money

Choose how much you want - if you need more later, simply request it!

3. Repay and repeat

The money you accessed is automatically deducted from your next pay. Your MyPayNow balance resets, and you can grab another advance when you need it.

Get your money in under a minute

Using the same technology as your bank, MyPayNow deposits the money you request into your bank account in an instant - 24/7. No need to wait. Just your money, when you need it most.

One flat rate. No hidden fees or annoying interest. Ever.

At MyPayNow, we keep it simple. Each advance you request is charged a one-off 5% fee. That’s just $5 for every $100 you advance. Simple, right?

Calculate how much you can get

Week Fortnight Month

You can access
up to
${{ wage.amount == 3010 ? '750' : Math.ceil((wage.amount / 4) / 10) * 10 }} per week! per fortnight! per month! pay cycle!

Changing the way people get paid

Join the thousands of Aussies already accessing their wages in real-time. Here’s what some of our users have to say.

MyPayNow is a super useful service. Instant cash, easy when you need it, and the super low fees are often significantly cheaper than even the late fee on a bill! Love it!
Cassie from Melbourne, 29
Great service. Easy to use! Thank God someone is trying to do something about the outdated getting paid system!
Jose from Byron Bay, 32
How good is this?! Finally, I don't need to dread the weekend before pay day because I can actually still go out and have fun - and not feel bad because it's my money!
Sharron from Adelaide, 39
MyPayNow is a super useful service. Instant cash, easy when you need it, and the super low fees are often significantly cheaper than even the late fee on a bill! Love it!
Cassie from Melbourne, 29
Great service. Easy to use! Thank God someone is trying to do something about the outdated getting paid system!
Jose from Byron Bay, 32
How good is this?! Finally, I don't need to dread the weekend before pay day because I can actually still go out and have fun - and not feel bad because it's my money!
Sharron from Adelaide, 39
MyPayNow is a super useful service. Instant cash, easy when you need it, and the super low fees are often significantly cheaper than even the late fee on a bill! Love it!
Cassie from Melbourne, 29
Great service. Easy to use! Thank God someone is trying to do something about the outdated getting paid system!
Jose from Byron Bay, 32
How good is this?! Finally, I don't need to dread the weekend before pay day because I can actually still go out and have fun - and not feel bad because it's my money!
Sharron from Adelaide, 39
MyPayNow is a super useful service. Instant cash, easy when you need it, and the super low fees are often significantly cheaper than even the late fee on a bill! Love it!
Cassie from Melbourne, 29
Great service. Easy to use! Thank God someone is trying to do something about the outdated getting paid system!
Jose from Byron Bay, 32
How good is this?! Finally, I don't need to dread the weekend before pay day because I can actually still go out and have fun - and not feel bad because it's my money!
Sharron from Adelaide, 39

Join the revolution.
Download the app today!